Monday, August 31, 2015

A day at the lake

Yesterday I only had a few minutes for crafting at the end of the day.  My husband and I spent the day at a friend's camp, with other church members.  We had the option of row boating, paddle boating, motor boating, water skiing, swimming, or just enjoying the sunshine from the dock.  I was among the swimmers.  Somehow it seemed much more fun than the last time I found myself in this black colored lake.  Not being able to see through the water must have bothered me a lot last time (that, and the bugs!).  This time, I was carefree and enjoyed every second of it.

Those that chose to swim headed out for a rock formation that is slightly more than half way across the lake.  I was the last one to reach the rock, having been cumbered down by a life jacket I had been sitting on in the water when I was just playing in it by myself (before my companions worked up the courage to get into the water). 

I swam more than half-way to the rocks while holding onto my life vest with one hand and trying to keep my swimming bottom on with the other.  Everyone patiently waited for me, cheering me along all the while.  I eventually swam to one of the paddle boaters and handed her my life vest.  Once free of the life vest I started making a hurt on the distance that remained.  A little further on and I handed my swimming shoes off to the same paddle boater (who was just going back and forth, apparently!). 

I then quickly make it to the rocks.  Once I got there I stood on top of them and started screaming, "I made it! Hallelujah!"  Or some such nonsense.  The four of us rested for a short while when the motor boat pulled up and a few kids jumped out and swam to us.  

Of the seven of us on the rocks, only two of us decided to swim back; Darrell and myself.  Yay to me!  This was no small feat for a chubby woman like myself.  

Below is the path we took (more or less...  I understand I was zigzagging quite a bit).

By the time I got home I only had the energy to make a key fob for my niece.  I'll post it later.  

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