Tuesday, September 15, 2015

After working all day, racing home to make dinner, and finding out I locked the keys in car  again and already running late for a board meeting, then actually attending said board meeting, I came home hungry and tired.  Too hungry and too tired to even consider crafting.

But good news!  I didn't sleep a wink last night and got up this morning just shy of not even close to bright eyed and bushy tailed.  Nevertheless I headed to my craft room shortly after five and started working on a purse.  The idea for the purse came to me in the night whilst I didn't sleep.  You're welcome!

This is what I have so far:

Monday, September 14, 2015

At times I think I'm ready for autumn; I miss the crunchy colored leaves beneath my feet and the smell of wood burning.  I miss the coolness in the air.  And I miss how youthful I feel during this time of year.  But when I think back on the sailboat scene from yesterday's purse I have to wonder whether I was silently crying out for a few more weeks of summer.  I feel like I didn't enjoy summer to the fullest.  I didn't ride my bike... I didn't kayak...  I didn't swim in Lake Superior....  I didn't even take a walk....

I feel cheated by my own shortcomings.


Perhaps instead of lamenting what I have missed I should make and execute plans to enjoy fall to the best of my ability.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Today I was feeling a bit artsy and crafty so I combined the two for this particular purse.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Continuing my work with burlap I made a sign yesterday from one I found on Pinterest.  I did it mostly for fun and practice since working with burlap is really new to me.

Here is my copy and the original:

Here is the template I made:

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Signs of Autumn

Today I thought I would do something different and work on a non sewing craft. Since I have an abundance of burlap I was leaning towards something that would incorporate the use of this wonderfully country fabric.

I've been suffering from exhaustion lately as a result of not sleeping well at night so this was a perfect craft for the day since it was super easy.  All I have left to do is to paint the frame.  I'm thinking red...

I didn't get a chance to craft yesterday, what with work, dinner, book club meeting, and a short date with my hubby at McDonald's for soda pop and hot chocolate.  When I finally got home I crashed in bed.  I was supremely exhausted and still feel tired today.

But I did get a chance throughout the day to contemplate new ideas.  I hope to be able to start on one idea this afternoon.  If I am able, and successful, I will post again later today.  Until then, enjoy your morning and afternoon!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

I finally added a flap to the orange purse I made a few weeks ago.

I also spent some time playing with my burlap.

Monday, September 7, 2015

My husband and I made it home from the Wisconsin Dells a little later than we had hoped so I quickly got to work on a new purse.  And since I have a remnant of the inner fabric I may make a wallet or key fob to go with it.  We'll see.

On Sunday, my husband and I enjoyed hours of water park fun, which consisted mostly of lolling about in the lazy river, but also a little swimming in the pool and soaking in the spa.  A little later this morning (it's 3 am right now) we'll head back home.  Though I've had a wonderful time I'm ready to back in my life.

Sometime this week the gazillion yards (okay so it's only 20) of burlap that I've ordered should be arriving and I'll be starting on: A Study in Burlap, as I like to lamely call it.  

Until then I'm not entirely sure of what I'll be doing, but perhaps I'll continue on the denim path.  

Sunday, September 6, 2015

It's Labor Day weekend and my wonderful husband took me to the Wisconsin Dells for the weekend.  So far, we've enjoyed hours together on the lazy river talking about life and a million other things.  We come home tomorrow whereupon my crafting adventures will continue.  Until then.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Embroidered Denim Purses

Early this morning (4:00 a.m.) I headed to my craft studio and started the process of getting the strap on the purse.  Last night I broke a needle and so gave up and called it a night.  This morning, I changed the needle and tackled the project like one who's slept a fully night, or 5 hours, as the case may be.

Here is the finished product:

And since yesterday I got two additional denim purses cut out I went ahead and started on another one this morning.  I thought I'd do another embroidered one and got that task done dark and early.  

Here is what I have so far: 


Thursday, September 3, 2015

I spent lots of time avoiding necessary tasks by crafting.  Still in my purse phase I finished one I started yesterday and started one I didn't quite finish.  Here are both:

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

I was in some sort of weird funk today; crabby and not wanting to be near anyone.  This is pretty rare for me but luckily I got plenty of alone time.  

I started off making one purse.  It was a semi disaster and I stopped working on it.  I took a break, made and ate dinner, then returned to the craft table.  This time I was able to crank out nearly two purses.  Pictured is the one I got done, aside from wanting to turn the button 90°.  

I saw this purse online that I really liked and thought, I'll just see if I can make one for myself.  I didn't have a pattern so I just eye balled it.  As it turned out, the purse I made is a bit wider and shorter than the original.  I shall try again some time in the future to see if I can get the dimensions a tad bit more to my liking.  Anyhow, here is the purse I made:

Since it was Trivia Tuesday I was unable to finish working on the purse.  Tonight I'll try to get it done, but no guarantees.  I need to make some sort of closure for the purse.  A strap and a button?  A snap?

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

As I mentioned the other day, I had only a sliver of a moment in time to craft so I made a key fob. The key fob was made out of the tiger print fabric.  This was a good way to use some of these leftover scraps of fabric.  My niece, as I mentioned, loves animal print and has asked for the bag.  I am throwing in the wallet and key fob for good measure.