Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year!  We made it!  It's 2016 and I am already contemplating some crafts for the day and the weekend.  For today, I really would like to make myself a fabric bag to hold all my plastic bags in.  All my other crafts shall be recipes I've been wanting to make.  I'll post pics of those when the time comes.

Enjoy your day with friends and family. And if you had to work enjoy not being unemployed!

Thursday, December 31, 2015

The final hours of 2015 are upon us.  I find myself under the weather trying not to focus on the bad moments of the year.

At dinnertime my husband and I made a list of positive things that happened to us this year.  In my list I included the many craft items I cranked out this year, mostly during the summer.

I hope that you will make a point of bringing more meaning and fulfillment in your life this coming year.  Let us not focus on the negative.  Our short comings.  Our failures.  Our disappointments.  But let us aim to give our all.  To be a blessing to others.  To encourage one another.  To live life to the fullest.

See you on the other side!  Happy New Year!

Monday, December 28, 2015

The year ends in four days.  What will the new year hold for you?  What will it hold for me?  I don't know; I can't answer this question for any of us.  But I am hopeful for beautiful things.  I don't mean possessions, but rather love, joy, peace, happiness, laughter, goodness, etc.  These are not things that I can make in my craft room but perhaps they are things that I can create for others from time spent in my craft room.  Heaven knows!

As I have mentioned previously, my sister was recently diagnosed with cervical cancer.  She will begin chemo/radiation sometime in January.  I cannot cure her of her cancer but I can encourage her, pray for her, raise money for her, talk to her, let her know how much she means to me.  This coming year, I would like to make some crafts specifically with her in mind.  I'm still working out all the details but hope to share them soon.

Here is a picture of me wearing my cervical cancer pin in support of her as well as to raise cervical cancer awareness.  

Here is my sister with her pin on.  


Saturday, December 26, 2015

My husband and I are lovers of Christmas. From carols, church services and decorating to holiday specials, movies and meals, we celebrate the birth of our savior. For us, the holidays are so much more meaningful if you don't spend them worrying about gift shopping.

This year we decided to actively celebrate the twelve days of Christmas commencing on December 25th and ending on Jan 5th by singing carols, lighting candles, and sharing holiday prayers together over dinner.  To help the candle lighting along I made a candelabra for our festivities:

After dinner we hang a few more decorations on our tree.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

My hubby and I have been going through a lot lately.  First a miscarriage and now my sister has cervical cancer.  It has spread to her uterus, ovaries and kidneys.

I have started a fund raiser page for her to help her raise the money for the stupid pet scan that the doctors won't do without the cold hard cash!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

I have a little "I saw three ships come sailing in on Christmas Day, on Christmas Day" theme going on at the top of my tree.

Last night I vegged in front of the TV while making more Christmas ornaments.  Here are the ones I made.  I also included the boat I made the other day.  It's the one shown hanging from the tree already.